Contact Steam Mastering

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Contact Us


+61 413 597 598


Current Studio – closing July 2024
Selby, Dandenong Ranges, Outside of Melbourne Victoria, Australia
(operation re-commencing in Malaysia September 2024)
Corporate Office and interim studio
AI SAAS and Audio Consulting Services Sdn Bhd
Address: Business Suite 19A-24-3, Level 24, UOA Centre, No. 19, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Future Studio – TBC

Online Service Only (for now)

The mastering studio is located on a private property. For the moment, we don’t have clients on site.

Due to our exciting move and restructure, we will soon be able to offer on – site services (blog post coming)


There’s over 82 million songs on Spotify, make sure you don’t get lost in the crowd.

Just send me a message and we can make your music stand out.

Send a message straight to me !

Sunset in Selby - The home of steam mastering
Ah the serenity